Friday, February 20, 2009

How Much Trouble Can I Get Into Sitting In My Room - Part 1

This is a fictional story but I think it serves as a good lesson. You can't control your teen all the time and even if they are grounded and in their room they can find trouble if they want to!

How Much Trouble Can I Get Into Sitting In My Room?

"Let's see how much trouble you can get into, locked in your room! "

That was my father's remark. I think that's an example of a rhetorical question.

I'd 'gone too far' 'had to be grounded' so got two weeks to 'consider my life '.

I'd be eighteen in two weeks (as if that would matter). As long as I 'lived in his house' I must
abide by his rules.' No matter how arbitrary, convoluted or dumb, he was the King in his Castle.

Summer, a beautiful time to be young and free; and I'd lose TWO WHOLE WEEKS!

Locked into my room, the head warder, (my mother) bringing me food three times a day. Fortunately, I had my own bathroom.

No television, no phone calls, (they took the phone), no visitors. I could read the encyclopedia, the Bible, Great Books and my last year's texts, but no magazines, novels, no amusements.

But I had my notebook computer.

It was black, the same as my loose leaf, which I kept on top of it. As there hadn't been a search of my cell, I hoped to keep myself sane for the NEXT TWO WEEKS! by riding the Internet.

When lights went out at NINE O'CLOCK, I connected the jack, logged on and would be on all night. Even if a bed check' was made at the Farragut Family Prison, I had enough time to hear the key in the stucky lock, shut the computer and get into a non-compromising position.

The first night I logged on to Forumcity. This was the 'Human face' of the Internet.

There were thousands of discussions among human beings (so-called).

I'd stumbled across Forumcity two years ago and been a steady poster in twenty fora. Now I was down to five. I'd had been gagged and/or locked out of the others.

It wasn't that I was a troll, I just wouldn't back off an opinion because the nazi who moderated didn't agree.

As it seemed that everyone who belonged to Fab Feminists also belonged to Women's Issues , Gender Issues , Grrls, and other so called feminist fora, my 'sins' would be dragged from one place to another.

Having offended the pig on Fab Fem, I was warned on Women's Issues and that was enough to get every Troll hag snapping at my heels trying to provoke a response so I could be banned.

There's a gestalt to message boards.

There's the 'Best Friend' syndrome where one always sticks up for a 'Best Friend' no matter how stupid or wrong.

There's the 'Worst Enemy' , so no matter what is posted, it must be attacked.

And of course there's the push until you pull which is how to get someone banned.

As I logged on to Forumcity I realised I'd made a mistake when I'd used the nick Sunnydae. I'd admitted my gender and age and had been honest in my opinions.

This meant every male could hit on and/or insult me, no female would defend me. That's what really annoyed me.

Women, many naming themselves feminists, none of whom would support, defend or simply tell offensive males to lay off another woman.

In fact, after a particularly filthy attack on me and my pathetic plea for help, the moderator said she wouldn't stick up for me just because I was a woman.

I didn't realise, until logging on in my pitch black room, that the same solitary confinement I was experiencing at the Farragut Family Prison I had also reaped in cyberspace.

Being considered a Troll in my family, I didn't need to suffer it in Forumcity. With TWO WEEKS of nothing to do, and my only human contact these idiots on Forumcity, I decided to create a new identity.

I went to and opened an account as Frank Davis. I made him thirty five, used a New York address.

When it came to chosing a nickname, I picked Frankdavis so I'd be instantly recognised as male.

Frank wasn't just an average guy, he had reactionary views about two inches north of a biker dude.

Frank was married and had two kids and spent a lot of time drinking beer and going sailing with his 'buds'.

It hadn't take me long to invent Frank' s life. He was the average American guy.

Content Source: How Much Trouble Can I Get Into Sitting In My Room? -

Watch for part 2 of this story coming soon!

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